
We are limitless
Data Science, DevOps & Cloud, Visualization & UX, Data Engineering, Biology, Chemistry

Our Inspiration

We wake up each morning excited about helping our customers and partners bring medicines closer to human use. The joy of working in an innovation-rich, research-powered startup bridging multiple disciplines drives us. With each of our special skills from different disciplines, we can make a tremendous impact!

In silico solutions, deep chemistry, computational biology, omics, and high throughput science solutions, for example, are transforming the biopharma industry. Our cross-domain team of experts works with proprietary and open platforms to embark upon and industrialize this transformation.

What do we do?

Accelerate the drug discovery and development process by applying the power of Data, Cloud, Analytics and AI/ML for in silico based solutions

Develop and deploy AI, data and cloud powered solutions that efficiently tackle the complexity, scale and richness of modern biopharma R&D domains

Partner with global biopharma companies to complement the traditional lab based approaches with in silico approaches and solutions for research and development

Adopt multi-disciplinary approaches blending and translating the latest knowledge in Biology, Chemistry, Biopharma and Computing areas

Examples of our work

Identifying previously unknown viral variants as vectors for gene therapy platforms

Informatics solutions analyzing endpoints and biomarkers of disease specific clinical trials combining public and private data sets

Near push-button GWAS analysis

Predicting the structure of certain proteins with tools such as AlphaFold2 and RosettaFold

Predicting yield of reactions such as Suzuki-Miyaura

Why is our work important?

The Discovery and development of drugs today are dramatically different from a decade ago. From small molecules and early biologicals, medicines have evolved to mAbs (monoclonal antibodies), ADCs (antibody-drug conjugates), targeted cells, genes, and advanced therapies that use viral and non-viral nanotechnologies as delivery vectors. The mechanisms of action are increasingly diverse with explosive innovation driving them. Research has also progressed from a single drug to platform solutions.

Most importantly, today’s pipelines for bringing medicines to market from discovery to delivery require a strong cross-disciplinary approach bridging Chemistry, Biology, and Advanced Computing/Informatics. We have assembled team members and leaders from different disciplines to play a key role in this transformation.

We bring platform approaches to molecular medicine powered by machine learning, AI, omics, and big data. Discovery and delivery of new therapeutics in these novel ways are at the core of what we do at Aganitha.

Curious about our name?

Aganitha (अगणित): “countless” or “limitless” in Sanskrit serves as a reminder and inspiration about the limitless potential in each one of us.

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